We pursue
His Kingdom with authentic love for God and our neighbors, passionate
to see our cities and our nations transformed by that love with the
Presence of His Holy Spirit being manifested and God Ordained Purpose
revealed in people’s lives.
We are a
place of Love, Acceptance and Purpose as is His Kingdom. We continue to
proclaim the good news of Christ and the always relevant truths of God’s
word as a gateway for restoration, not condemnation. We are big on missions here, fully involved at every level from our church planting to ministry
development. We serve our local and foreign communities in a big way
ministering to the hurting, both physically and spiritually. We impact
our neighbors, our cities, and our nations with this life transforming
message while helping people discover their God gifted purpose, raising
new leaders and bringing him glory throughout the journey. We strive to
continue with excellence in all we do and to improve and provide many
opportunities to grow through our worship services, dynamic youth, children’s programs and small groups. We are big on relationship not religion.